Informations pour « Fichier:US Navy 080821-N-6387D-085 Indian Navy Surgeon Cmdr. Ranjeet Thergaonkar listens to the heart of Pohnpein patient during a medical civic action program (MEDCAP) at Sapwalap Elementary School in Pohnpei.jpg »

Informations de base

Titre affichéFichier:US Navy 080821-N-6387D-085 Indian Navy Surgeon Cmdr. Ranjeet Thergaonkar listens to the heart of Pohnpein patient during a medical civic action program (MEDCAP) at Sapwalap Elementary School in Pohnpei.jpg
Redirige versFichier:US Navy 080821-N-6387D-085 Indian Navy Surgeon Cmdr. Ranjeet Thergaonkar listens to the heart of Pohnpein patient during a medical civic action program (MEDCAP) at Sapwalap Elementary School in Pohnpei.jpg (infos)
Clé de tri par défautUS Navy 080821-N-6387D-085 Indian Navy Surgeon Cmdr. Ranjeet Thergaonkar listens to the heart of Pohnpein patient during a medical civic action program (MEDCAP) at Sapwalap Elementary School in Pohnpei.jpg
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Valeur de hachagebf49c9f4028bf6964601459ea043063801c8075c
Image de la pageUS Navy 080821-N-6387D-085 Indian Navy Surgeon Cmdr. Ranjeet Thergaonkar listens to the heart of Pohnpein patient during a medical civic action program (MEDCAP) at Sapwalap Elementary School in Pohnpei.jpg

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