
De Wikimedica

La documentation pour ce module peut être créée à Module:Mark/Documentation

-- This module allows the positionning of a mark at and arbitrary position on a div.
-- Depending on the type of the mark (↑ or ↓), it may have a different center . 
-- The module will compute the correct coordinates so the mark appears where 
-- the user wants it to be.

local p = {} -- p stands for package

local function round(num, numDecimalPlaces)
  local mult = 10^(numDecimalPlaces or 0)
  return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult

function p.display( frame )
	-- If frame was not provided, this code is being debugged.
    args = frame and frame.args or {size = 40, mark = '→', x = '230', y = '170', content = 'foo', color = 'red'}
    size = tonumber(args.size)
    mark = args.mark
    local offsetX = 0 
    local offsetY = 0
    --Convert character patterns to marks
    if(mark == '->')then mark = '→'
    elseif(mark == '<-')then mark = '←' end
    -- Adjust the offset according to the mark.
	if(mark == '↑') then
		offsetX = size / 2
	elseif(mark == '↓') then
		offsetX = size / 2
		offsetY = size
	elseif(mark == '←') then
		offsetY = size / 2
	elseif(mark == '→') then
		offsetX = size
		offsetY = size / 2
	else -- For all other symbols (O, X, etc.) use coordinates relative to their center.
		offsetX = size / 2
		offsetY = size / 2
	x = round(tonumber(args.x) - (offsetX * 25 / 40), 0) -- Adjust according to the ratio of the monospace font.
	y = round(tonumber(args.y) - (offsetY), 0)
	return -- Use a monospace font so all characters are the same width.
		'<div style="position: relative">'..
			'<span style="font-family: monospace; float: right; color: '..args.color..'; font-size: '..size..'px; position: absolute; line-height: 1em; left: '..x..'px; top: '..y..'px; z-index: 100">'..mark..'</span>'..
			'<!--OffsetX:'..offsetX..' / OffsetY:'..offsetY..'-->'..

return p