
De Wikimedica
Révision datée du 8 avril 2020 à 21:53 par Antoine Mercier-Linteau (discussion | contributions) (Ajout console.log)

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console.log("Loaded inline-js-loader");

eJS = function() 
	/* It sometimes happens that gadgets are called before the inlineJS is delcared, making the loading
	fail. In this case, give it another 500ms and do a recursive call to try again. */
	if(typeof inlineJS == 'undefined')
		setTimeout(eJS, 500);
		console.log("Loading inline-js-loader failed, tying again in 500ms");
	for(var n in inlineJS) // Each function to be executed is added to the inlineJS object.
		f = inlineJS[n];
		if(typeof f === 'function' ) { f(); }